Thursday, 28 January 2016

Installing drupalconsole on Windows

Trying to recall, how I have installed drupalconsole on Windows. By the way, somehow I had no problems at all ;-)

On my Windows 7 system I have found two ways to install drupalconsole. Later you will need Git Bash from the Git for Windows program package to run drupalconsole, so I recommend issuing the following command in the Git Bash prompt:

curl -L -o drupal.phar

Running the other command from Git Bash gave me the "output is not a tty" error, and created a 0 size file, but running this from a Windows command prompt worked:

php -r "readfile('');" > drupal.phar

For the record I had PHP version 5.5.27 on my machine. At this point you can already run drupalconsole with issuing the "php drupal.phar" command, supposing the php.exe file is in your system PATH. Then you can rename the just downloaded drupal.phar file to any preferred name, eg. drupal or drupalconsole, and move it to the directory that contains your php.exe file. After this you can just type the name of your command in the Git Bash prompt, and create the configuration files. Since I have renamed my drupal.phar file to drupalconsole I use this in the example:

# Copy configuration files to user home directory:
drupalconsole init --override

Then run the next command to have drupalconsole update itself:

# Update DrupalConsole to the latest version:
drupalconsole self-update

Don't forget to always use the Git bash window to run drupalconsole.

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